Thursday, 20 October 2022

Separation anxiety

  Dog separation anxiety can result in self-injury and property damage, but calming sprays can prevent these behaviors. 

Clinical signs like pacing can indicate dog anxiety, but pet parents should consult a veterinarian to eliminate other possible causes. Talk to a vet to get access to helpful information.

A licensed vet team can help pets to improve their emotional wellness. 

Friday, 14 October 2022

Pet anxiety

   Dog separation anxiety safety

Safety and self-injuries are issues for dogs with separation anxiety. This applies to dogs of all ages.

Dogs might try to escape from their home or any other area in which they're confined. Even if they're placed in a crate, they could try to escape from their crate.

These dogs often damage their teeth, paws and other parts of their body as they try to chew through doors and windows.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Can big kittens eat baby food?

  Can cats eat baby food if they're sick? 

Cats can eat meat based baby food if they're ill. Cats can only eat meat-based baby food if its free of additives.

Sick cats should also only be given a moderate portion of meat based baby food. So, meat based baby food can't be used as a regular or daily substitute for regular cat food.

Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Cat allergens

  Can cats get allergies? Yes. Cats can definitely get allergies just as their people can.

One of the most common cat allergens is dust. So, it's important for your cat to have clean, comfortable areas where they can rest and play that are free of dust. 

Other inhalants can also trigger allergic reactions in cats. These include mold which can be found in areas that are moist and warm. 

Pollen is also a cat allergen. Your cat could definitely be exposed to pollen if they go outdoors especially during certain seasons.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Tuesday, 2 August 2022

Hydration Benefits for Joints

 All pets should drink water daily. Most dogs and cats should have ready access to water. This should be at a spot in their home where they feel comfortable drinking without being harassed or otherwise disturbed. 

Water consumption is also important for cats and dogs with arthritis. An arthritic pet often has wear and tear in their joints that results in pain.

 When a pet is properly hydrated, this also helps to keep their joints hydrated. That decreases pain and supports mobility.

 Studies have shown that onega three fatty acids can benefit older cats that have reduced mobility due to arthritis. It decreases their discomfort.


Liquid meal replacement for cats  

Natural diuretics for dogs with congestive heart failure

Monday, 28 February 2022